Honey Bee Swarm


Learn more about honey bee swarms and how we safely and professionally manage and relocate them. Swarming is a natural phenomenon, and our expertise ensures the bees are handled with care.

What is a Swarm?

Honey Bee Swarm

A bee swarm is a natural phenomenon that occurs when a colony of honeybees outgrows its current living space and needs to find a new location to establish a hive. Swarming typically happens in the spring or early summer when the colony population is at its peak. During this process, a large group of worker bees, accompanied by the current queen bee, leaves the original hive and clusters together in a temporary location while scout bees search for a suitable new nesting site.

Watching a bee swarm happen is a rare treat and can be a very impressive experience, with thousands of bees flying together in a dense cloud before settling on a tree branch, fence post, or other object. While swarms may appear intimidating due to their size, bees in a swarm are often fairly docile and focused on finding a new home rather than defending themselves. However, it is essential to exercise caution and avoid disturbing or agitating the swarm to prevent potential stings.

Why do Bee Swarms Happen?

Honey Bee Swarm

Bee swarms are how bees reproduce at the colony level and are a natural part of the bee hive reproductive cycle. They serve as the natural way for bee colonies to reproduce and expand their populations. While swarms may seem alarming to some, they are usually harmless if left undisturbed and can be safely captured and relocated by experienced beekeepers.

Capturing swarms not only helps prevent potential conflicts between bees and humans but also supports bee conservation efforts by preserving honeybee populations, maintaining biodiversity, and ensuring their continued role as essential pollinators in ecosystems.

Why Have Us Capture a Swarm?

Honey Bee Swarm

The simple answer is that the swarm is looking for a place to live, which might be your house, tree, or storage shed. It is easier and cheaper to remove a swarm than a hive living in your walls, storage shed, or trees.

Capturing a swarm is crucial for many reasons. First, it helps in the conservation of honeybee populations, which are essential pollinators for agriculture and ecosystem health. By safely relocating swarms to designated areas, we contribute to maintaining biodiversity and ensuring the continuity of pollination services vital for food production. Secondly, capturing swarms prevents potential conflicts between bees and humans. Swarms often settle in inconvenient or hazardous locations, such as residential areas or public spaces, posing risks to people and pets.

Our expertise ensures the safe removal and responsible management of swarms, benefiting both bee populations and human communities alike. Choosing us to capture a swarm not only safeguards the environment and supports bee populations but also saves you money and hassle in the long term.